The chronological order has
characteristic links to help the text place itself in time, for instance words
such as: initially, later, then, finally, immediately, the former, the latter,
in the beginning, at the end, following, etc…
On the other hand, comparative order is the process dealing
with a piece of information and seeing their similarities or differences. An
essay then becomes a manifestation of reasoning. The following text is an
Stubborn and smart like any mountaineer;
educated but shy; hardworking but not steady, seeking for an easy project to
put his efforts; a selfish farmer, but kind yet firm, lives here in a village,
which isn’t poor neither rich; he is no warrior but neither is he submissive.
He is not a servant nor a rebel; a rebel without a war for independence;
liberated from Spanish colonialism, as he arrived to Guatemala in October 1821,
people told him that from September 15 they were free…A village without heroes,
and if it did have some, it would destroy or forget them, which is yet another
way of destruction. (I.F. Azofeifa 1979).
The comparative order is reinforced in the
text thanks to links such as: on the other hand, then again, in opposition to,
different than, nevertheless, etc…
On the
other hand, what is called cause-effect
is a way of organizing a text by mentioning the reasons and consequences of
such a situation. Below is an example:
Nowadays, man is not submitted to selection.
That is why, natural selection will not impede the cumulous of genetic
mutations, since human beings are intervening in this aspect, and allowing
other beings to survive when in other conditions they wouldn’t have been able
to survive or reproduce, or in other terms could have genetic limitations. This
means that human beings have seen their genes weaken or mutated in a negative
way through the years. By not having eliminated these bad genes, the future of
our civilization could be weaker and unhealthy in comparison. (J. Jaramillo
cause-effect order is evident thanks to the use of these links: therefore,
consequently, due to, thanks to, for this reason, as a result, etc…
By using these link will permit to illustrate
and better relate ideas. However, you must use these when necessary so as not to
load the text with too many figures of speech.
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